Approx. 5 min.
Jan 04, 2024 Published on 04/01/2024

How to protect your surface from cyber attacks?

In cybersecurity, the attack surface represents all the entry points to an information system through which an unauthorized user could attempt to gain access.

The larger a company grows, the more exponentially it multiplies its entry points, expanding not only its attack surface, but also the risk that just one of these poorly-secured points will result in a successful attack that can cost huge sums of money: in France, the average cost of a data breach is $4.34 million in 2022. This figure can climb much higher in certain sectors. In the medical sector worldwide, the average cost of a data breach is as high as $10 million, as recently observed at the Corbeil-Essone hospital.

The evolution of the cyber attack surface in recent years

The health crisis has precipitated a digital transition with far-reaching consequences for the security of corporate information systems. Remote working, at first a necessity, has been democratized over the long term. This means that employees are no longer using networks protected by corporate security policies, but personal connections that are far easier to hack.

Another necessary arrangement for remote working has been the deployment of appropriate software solutions to ensure access to company files and to communicate with employee teams. Messaging programs have always been prey to phishing attacks, and these third-party programs are no exception.

The consequences of these changes

This transition in companies' relationship with digital technology has increased their number of access points, thereby considerably expanding their attack surface and, consequently, the risks of successful attacks. New challenges and adaptations to the cyber plan are becoming too much of a burden for companies that have no control over their information systems or cyber risk, and cybercriminals have multiplied their attacks by taking advantage of the new potential loopholes. ANSSI estimates that in the year 2020, the number of victims of cyber attacks will have increased fourfold. It also notes that hospitals and logistics services have become prime targets.

Faced with these new risks, how do you protect your surface from cyberattacks?

There are several ways to reduce the risk of data breaches. On the human side, it's important to make your teams aware of good cybersecurity practices, so as to create good cyber hygiene in their working environment. As far as possible, get them to adopt two-factor identification solutions and educate them about the reasons behind the company's security policies.In cybersecurity, it only takes one weak link to go from phishing to ransomware. Having a minimum level of understanding and application of the basics of security among every employee greatly facilitates the work of the information system security manager.

On the software and operational side, to protect your attack surface you need to reduce it, which means understanding your information system. Analyzing your attack surface is a time-consuming and costly activity, but a necessary one. It involves, among other things :

● Identify each access point on your information system

● Find the vulnerabilities present in each of them

● Identify poorly configured exposed components (default password, overly permissive security policy, etc.).

● Create a complete discovery report

These operations can take months, and it's on this pillar that OverSOC proposes to shorten the process to make it easier for you to control your attack surface.